NUSA DUA-Bertempat di The Westin Resort, Nusa Dua, Bali, ICOPE 2018 bakal digelar. Acara itu dimulai Rabu hingga Jumat (25-27 April 2018). Dalam acara ini dibahas berbagai aspek, yang intinya mencari solusi peningkatan produksi sawit yang berkelanjutan dengan pendekatan sains dan teknologi.
Acara International Conference on Oil Palm and Environment (ICOPE 2018) ini bertema “Menuju Industri Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan: Solusi untuk Produksi Lokal dan Perubahan Global”. Sedang penyelenggaranya adalah tiga organisasi dengan latar belakang industri yang berbeda, yaitu WWF Indonesia, CIRAD dan Sinar Mas Agribusiness and Food.
Konferensi ini sudah dilakukan tahun 2007 hingga 2016 dan menuai kesuksesan. Dan di konferensi kali ini dijadwalkan hadir Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, Menteri Pertanian, Menteri Kehutanan dan Lingkungan Hidup serta Menteri Agraria dan Tata Ruang.
“Konferensi ICOPE keenam akan membahas soal teknologi dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi untuk mencapai praktek keberlanjutan agar selaras dengan produksi dan konservasi,” ungkap Chairman ICOPE 2018, J.P Caliman.
Dia memberi contoh semisal kontribusi penggunaan drone, pengggunaan kecerdasan buatan, integrasi lanskap, restorasi fungsi ekosistem, perbaikan dan penggunaan jejak karbon dan jejak air, yang semua diarahkan untuk keberlangsungan pada industri.
“Namun ujungnya satu, agar industri kelapa sawit ini bisa berproduksi dengan maksimal dalam menjalankan konservasinya, sekaligus menetapkan tolok ukur industri secara keseluruhan,” tambahnya.
Aplikasi teknologi ini, kata Caliman, merupakan keharusan, sehingga pihaknya menggandeng lembaga riset, LSM lingkungan dan sosial, WWF, pekebun, pengolah pabrik serta lembaga pemerintah. Itu agar satu visi untuk tingkat keberlanjutan yang tinggi sehubungan dengan konservasi dan produksi. Ini susunan lengkap acara itu
Wednesday, 25th April 2018
07.00 – 08.45 Registration
08.45 – 11.10 Opening Ceremony
• Welcoming remarks by Chairman of the Organising Committee
• Remarks by CEO of WWF Indonesia
• Remarks by Director of CIRAD
• Remarks by Chairman and CEO of GAR
• Keynote Speech by Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia
• Opening Speech by Coordinating Minister for Economics Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
11.10 – 13.00 Exhibition Visit / Lunch Break
13.00 – 14.20 Session 1. General Lectures
• Green commodity programme
Pascale Bonzom, UNDP, Panama
• The state of sustainable markets
Gregory Sampson, ITC, Switzerland
Moderator: Agus Purnomo, Managing Director Sustainability and Strategic Stakeholder
Engagement, Indonesia
14.20 – 15.45 Session 2. The role of oil palm in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
• The potential role of oil palm in achieving the UN-SDG objectives in the world
Dato Makhdzir Mardan, CPOPC, Malaysia
• The role and contribution of oil palm in achieving the UN SDGs in Indonesia
Nina Sardjunani, Secretariat SDGs Indonesia, BAPPENAS, Indonesia*
• Oil palm development in Nigeria and its environmental issues
Henry Olatujoye Gbenga, National Palm Produce Association of Nigeria, Nigeria
Moderator: Alain Rival, Regional Director of CIRAD, France
15.45 – 16.05 Coffee Break / Exhibition Visit
16.05 – 16.20 Presentation by Miss Earth Indonesia 2017
16.20 – 17.10 Session 3. Water footprint for oil palm plantations
• Water footprint of Indonesian palm oil
Gan Lian Tiong, Musim Mas, Indonesia
• Crop evapotranspiration for oil palm in Indonesia
Joni Jupesta, PT SMART Tbk, Indonesia
Moderator: Jannick Schmidt, 2.-0 LCA Consultant, Denmark
17.10 End of Day 1
Thursday, 26th April 2018
08.30 – 10.15 Session 4. Smallholder: Reaching sustainability
• National action plan for sustainable palm oil, The Indonesian Palm Oil Platform - FoKSBI
Rini Indrayanti, UNDP, Indonesia
• Strategies to sustain RSPO certification
Rosyani, Jambi University, Indonesia
• Establishing multi-partnerships for environmental governance in Indonesia : Case of
prosperous and fire free villages program
Susanto Yang, PT SMART Tbk, Indonesia
• Big data-informed sustainability of smallholders
Yu-Leng Khor, Singapore
• The strategy and progress of the replanting of independent smallholders’ oil palm plantation
Dono Boestami, BPDPKS, Indonesia
Moderator: Tiur Rumondang, RSPO Indonesia, Director of Operations, Indonesia
10.15 – 10.45 Coffee Break / Exhibition Visit
10.45 – 12.00 Session 5. Carbon footprint for oil palm plantation
• Examples of low GHG emission in new oil palm development
Faizal Parish, Global Environment Center, Malaysia
• Belt filter reduces GHG emissions from POME
Asta Soininen, Neste, Finland
• GHG emission reduction from palm oil mill effluent
Erwinsyah, Indraprasta University of PGRI, Indonesia
• Life Cycle Assessment of palm oil – PT SMART pilot study on GHG and biodiversity mitigation
Jannick Schmidt, 2.-0 LCA Consultant, Denmark
Moderator: Cecile Bessou, CIRAD, France
12.00 – 13.30 Lunch Break / Exhibition Visit
13.30 – 14.40 Session 6. Organic waste recycling in plantation: Ecological potential
• Application of oil palm empty fruit bunch: Effects on soil biota and functions
Hsiao-Hang Tao, Taiwan
• Composting for a more sustainable palm oil production
Jajang Supriatna, PT Austindo, Indonesia
Moderator: Patrick Hong Chuan Ng, AAR, Malaysia
14.40 – 16.00 Session 7. Nitrogen cycle and the environment: Maximizing efficiency of N-fertilizers
• Nitrogen fluxes and losses in oil palm plantations: A review of available knowledge on
measurements and models
Lenaic Pardon, France
• Nitrogen losses through major soil pathways in oil palm plantations on rolling terrain
Patrick Hong Chuan Ng, AAR, Malaysia
• Nitrogen loses through N2O emissions after N mineral -fertilizers applications
Eti Testiati, PT SMART Tbk, Indonesia
• IN-Palm: An agri-environmental indicator to assess potential N losses in oil palm plantations
Lenaic Pardon, France
Moderator: Gede Wibawa, Director of Research for Development of RPN, Indonesia
16.00 – 16.30 Coffee Break / Exhibition Visit
16.30 – 17.50 Session 8. Ecosystem services: Deserving more recognition for their contributions to oil palm
• Oil palm landscape management for maintaining high biodiversity and ecosystem functions
Glen Reynolds, SEARRP, Malaysia
• Linking ecosystem services, agro-biodiversity conservation and sustainable palm oil
Bandung Sahari, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk, Indonesia
• Beneficial plants attract natural enemies of pests in newly replanted oil palm plantations
Julie Hinsch, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
• Ants are important for maintaining optimal ecosystem functioning in oil palm plantations
Amelia Hood, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
• Interactions between oil palm (E. guineensis Jacq) and pollinator insect E.kamerunicus faust
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Laurence Ollivier, CIRAD, France
Moderator: Edgar Turner, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
17.50 End of Day 2
Friday, 27thApril 2018
08.30 – 09.45 Session 9. Ecosystem conservation and restoration for an integration of oil palm
in the landscape
• ...........................................................................
Alue Dohong, BRG, Indonesia
• Management and restoration of peat ecosystem
Mitsuru Osaki, Hokkaido University, Japan
• Testing strategies for riparian restoration in oil palm plantations
Edgar Turner, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Moderator: Putra Agung, Manager Sustainable Palm Oil Program WWF Indonesia, Indonesia
09.45 – 10.15 Coffee Break / Exhibition Visit
10.15 – 11.40 Session 10. Sustainability outlook: Is the future market for sustainable palm oil?
• The European Commission study on the environmental impact
James Fry, LMC, United Kingdom
• European market for sustainable palm oil
Eddy Esselink, EPOA, Netherlands
Moderator: Sebastien Bouvatier, Agricultural Counsellor, Franch Embassy of Singapore, France
11.40 – 13.30 Lunch Break / Exhibition Visit
13.30 – 14.55 Session 11. Towards a global consensus on palm oil sustainability standards
\• EU: Michael Bucki, European Union Delegation to Indonesia
• RSPO: Tiur Rumondang, RSPO Indonesia, Director of Operations, Indonesia
• ISPO: Azis Hidayat , Head of ISPO Secretariat, Indonesia
• RA-SAS : Stephen Krecik, Rainforest Alliance, USA
• ISCC : Andreas Feige, ISCC, Germany
Moderator: Yu-Leng Khor, Singapore
14.55 – 15.25 Coffee Break / Exhibition Visit
15.25 – 16.30 Session 12. New technologies for tomorrows oil palm cultivation
• New technologies for precision agriculture: E-agriculture strategy guide
Syed Ismail Shah, ITU, Indonesia
• Artificial Intelligence: Current development and prospects in agriculture
Anthony Gelibert, Carbon Bee, France
Moderator: ....................
16.30 – 17.00 Summary of the Conference and Closing Remarks jss